Government U-turn Highlights Confused Transport Policy | Scoop News

2023-03-08 14:45:59 By : Ms. Jufang Wang

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Yesterday’s quick U-turn from the Government on the reported shift to an emissions reduction focus for the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) highlights a more fundamental problem with transport policy making.

Forcing road users to subsidise walking, cycling and other activities is not only unfair on them, but will not achieve its desired goal of reducing emissions.

Taxpayers’ Union Campaigns Manager, Callum Purves, said:

“The Fund was set up with a very simple principle: The amount you pay towards the upkeep of our roads should be linked to the effect your vehicle has on them. The money raised from these taxes and charges goes into a pot that pays for roads maintenance and investment.

“But road users are now subsidizing non-road projects through the Fund, including walking and cycling routes, uneconomical railway lines, and the ‘Road to Zero’ advertising campaign too. All the while, our roads – which will always be necessary for Kiwis – continue to deteriorate.

“And while the Government might have the noble motivation of reducing emissions, it misses the crucial point that our Emissions Trading Scheme means any reduction from cuts to road projects or increased public transport investment will be offset by greater emissions in other areas.

In the last government financial year to 30 June 2022 (including 3.5 months of the fuel tax cut), the breakdown of income to the National Land Transport Fund was as follows:

While the spending from the Fund was as follows:

The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is an independent and membership-driven activist group, dedicated to being the voice for Kiwi taxpayers in the corridors of power. Its mission, lower taxes, less waste, more accountability, is supported by 200,000 subscribed members and supporters.

© Scoop Media New Zealand Taxpayers' Union New Zealand's grassroots campaign for lower taxes and less government waste The New Zealand Taxpayers' Union is an independent activist group, dedicated to being the voice for Kiwi taxpayers in the corridors of power. It's here to fight government waste and make sure New Zealanders get value for money from their tax dollar. New Zealanders are invited to join and donate at Contact New Zealand Taxpayers' Union Website - Facebook Twitter - @TaxpayersUnion Media Contact - Media Contact - Media line (24-hr) 04 282 0302  

New Zealand's grassroots campaign for lower taxes and less government waste

The New Zealand Taxpayers' Union is an independent activist group, dedicated to being the voice for Kiwi taxpayers in the corridors of power. It's here to fight government waste and make sure New Zealanders get value for money from their tax dollar. New Zealanders are invited to join and donate at

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